Sexy Husband – Hubby’s Passion, Keeps Wife’s Pussy Purring!
It was another one of those humid and hot days in the south. My sexy husband Ben had been in Dallas the last couple days and the yard was in dire need of a mowing. Ben generally does all the mowing , but his work schedule kinda kept him from it. I got Randy to help me and we got to work. I did the mowing , while he worked the weed trimmer. When we finally finished, the yard looked good and we both were hot and sweaty. I fixed us each a tall glass of ice water and we sat on the patio. ” Mom, can I go swimming? ” my dear son asked as he finished his water. ” Sure. Sounds like a good idea, but you need to rinse off first. Unless you wanna clean the pool later!” I said. About that time his friends Billy, Clint and Jason rode up on their four wheelers and asked him if he wanted to go riding. His swimming plans quickly got canceled and off he went on his four wheeler with his buds. I sat and finished my water, then decided a swim would be nice. I walked to the backyar...
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