Stepmother Love

 My name is Eric and I was thirty-five years old when my 

father died. To say his death hurt would be an 

understatement. It was truly devastating. Although it 

was a difficult time, I was fortunate in that I had my 

stepmother to help me through this period. As I'll say 

more then once in this story, Janice had raised me from 

my early teenage years. My real mother had died when I 

was so young that the only mother that I knew was 

Janice. I thought of her as my mother not a stepmother. 

That's important to this story. I should add one more 

thing. It was a rare day that I didn't lock myself in 

my room and jack off thinking about how wonderful it 

would be to fuck Janice.

I missed my dad, but my stepmother and I, mutually 

supported one another through our shared pain. My 

father was a man in every sense of the word. His last 

few years had broken him down to a shadow of what he 

had been before his illness. I'm sure that his sickness 

had all but eliminated the enjoyment of sex.  Without a 

doubt, the inability to sexually enjoy one another must 

have been a "mountain of difficulty" for both of these 

wonderful people.  I probably should apologize for 

certain of my more "earthy" thoughts, but I would be 

less then candid if I didn't admit that the thought of 

Janice's ripe body turned me on in a big way. 

Even more candidly, I can't ever remember feeling any 

other way! It wasn't just that she was "full figured" 

(which she was); it was more the aurora of sexuality 

that surrounded her. I'm sure that she didn't know how 

she effected men, but she had a certain sex appeal that 

caused her to be a "man magnet." This was a woman who 

was in her early sixties, but "wow" what a body! In 

addition to her big-breasted hourglass figure, she had 

the classic face and blonde hair of a Doris Day. 

It is important to say that we all know women who revel 

in the fact that they are sexy in appearance and they 

enjoy flaunting their beauty. Certainly my stepmother 

possessed the looks and body that was capable of 

"stopping traffic", but she was "delightfully" 

unassuming in the way she conducted her everyday life. 

Because she had been so focused on my father, I'm sure 

that she had never really noticed the effect that she 

had on other men. More importantly, until his passing, 

she hadn't really cared. 

After the funeral people were coming and going and to 

tell you the truth it was a relief when the last person 

left and Janice and I were alone in her house.  My 

father had left my stepmother in a position where she 

didn't have to worry about bills for the rest of her 

life. At the time of my father's death, Janice was in 

her early sixties. As I said, she looked as though she 

was twenty years younger. I know that I just mentioned 

her incredibly sexy body, but I would like to touch on 

just a few more things. 

For instance, it certainly stretches the imagination to 

say that a woman that in her sixty's is "sexy", but 

Janice was... no question about it. It was not that she 

was slender because she wasn't. In fact she was a 

little bit over weight, but I have to say that she 

carried her "extra pounds" smoothly and with an 

undeniable grace. She had large full breasts that I 

frequently furtively observed as they swayed 

provocatively through her blouses. Sometimes she wore 

those soft "natural look" bras and I could see her 

nipples poking through the material of her dress. As 

erotic as her breasts could be, it was her unbelievably 

sexy crotch that really blew my mind. 

Sometimes when she wore a tight pair of jeans you could 

see the pouting lips of her pussy through the fabric 

and it would . . . almost . . . drive me crazy! I would 

run to the bathroom, lock the door and wrap my hand 

tightly around my cock. As I feverishly pumped away I 

envisioned what it would be like to slip my fingers 

between the swollen lips of her cunt. Many were the 

times that I stroked my hard cock to a powerful orgasm 

thinking of her pussy. 

Countless times I mentally replayed the fantasy of 

driving my tongue into her wet, hot, moist channel. I 

could almost taste her pungent sex juices. I will never 

forget the times when she would give me a casual hug or 

a little kiss as I left to run an errand. That brief 

moment of affection would cause my ten-inch cock to 

stiffen up so that it felt like I had a baseball bat in 

my pants. I'm sure that in our brief embraces that 

Janice must have felt the outline of my hardon through 

our fabric covered sex organs. Deep in my psyche, I 

wanted her cunt to feel my lust. I wanted her to think 

of me as a possible "fuck partner." 

If you haven't guessed, I wanted to fuck my stepmother 

so badly that it almost constantly occupied my mind. I 

wanted to suck on her big tits, caress their firmness 

and then to bury my throbbing, wet cock in her pussy. I 

wanted to watch her mouth suck on my cock and hear the 

moist sounds of her slurping mouth.  I wanted to hear 

her whisper in my ear about men that she had fucked and 

to feel my cock stiffen at the thought of her spreading 

her thighs for some nameless stranger. In other words 

what I wanted was those things that seemed to be 

destined never to happen. 

It is sometimes strange how those things that you most 

wish for . . . happen and I am equally happy to report 

that sometimes everything works out exactly as you 

hoped! (Contrary to popular opinion.)

I had always wanted to go back to my roots, which were 

in Wisconsin and visit those places where my Dad had 

grown up. I told Janice that I was going to take a 

couple of weeks off from work and drive back there. 

Visit the places that my Dad had told me about and just 

do a lot in terms of memory cleansing. Janice surprised 

me by saying that not only was that a wonderful idea, 

but she would like to go along with me. Go along, if 

she wouldn't be an extra burden on the trip. She even 

volunteered to pick up the travel expenses like the 

gas, hotel rooms, etc. That sounded more then just 

wonderful, so it was heartfelt when I said, "Sure, why 

not. It would be nice to have someone to talk with on 

the trip and the time together would give us the 

opportunity to get to better know one another." 

While planning our trip, Janice surprised me by saying, 

"Look, I've been thinking ... I know that could be 

dangerous," she laughed at her putdown of herself and 

continued, "but we're both sophisticated adults and you 

are my son.  Actually my Stepson, but still you are my 

son. What I'm getting at is that it sounds foolish to 

me to waste money on separate motel rooms. Let's get 

one room with two beds and we can spend the extra money 

on really nice meals." I thought that "wow" that was a 

hell of an idea! I also immediately thought that I knew 

enough that when "opportunity knocked I should get up 

and answer the door!" 

Little did I realize, but opportunity had . . . indeed, 

knocked.  That night, I locked my bedroom door so that 

I would have the needed privacy for one of my favorite 

moments. Years ago I had found some old Polaroid's that 

my Dad had taken of Janice when she was in her 

thirties. The picture that I took was of a nude Janice. 

(Later when I went back to revisit the picture trove, I 

found that Dad had removed them.) She was sitting in a 

lounge chair with her legs spread. She had a sultry 

smile that made the picture come alive with a not too 

subtle sexuality.

At her pictured youthful age I could see that her 

beautiful breasts possessed a sensual firm meatiness. I 

would stare at the picture and pretend that she was 

posing for me. I would rub her picture along my cock 

and envision what it must have felt like to my Dad when 

she sucked his cock. As my sexual fantasy increased in 

intensity I would speed up the stroking of my meat 

until a fountain of white cream spurted across the 

room. It was a wonderful feeling, but I wanted the real 

thing! I had to ravish my mother's body!

Departure day was beautiful! The sun was out and we had 

absolutely no timetable. We both chattered endlessly 

about nothing of any importance as we headed East 

towards Wisconsin. During the afternoon, Janice grew 

tired and curled up on the seat next to me and fell 

asleep. I kept myself awake by letting my eyes 

occasionally drift to the rise and falls of her opulent 

breasts. As we crossed into Eastern Oregon, I heard on 

the local radio station that there was a large rain and 

lighting storm moving across and into the area where we 

were traveling. 

I gently shook Janice awake and shared with her the 

information that I had just heard on the radio. Shaking 

the drowsiness from her head she opened up the road map 

and after a few moments of figuring out where we were, 

she said, "The town of Le Grande is only ten miles 

ahead. Why don't we find a place to stay there and 

forget about driving though the storm?" I said, with a 

grin of agreement "Sounds like a hell of a plan. You're 

right . . . we're in no big rush. Keep your eyes peeled 

for a motel."

Wouldn't you know it? La Grande had a rodeo in town and 

every motel-hotel was filled to the over flowing. As 

you know, these moments can be exasperating and as we 

drove out of town there was one last motel and that 

motel had a NO VACANCY sign posted. I told Janice, "I 

don't care, I'm going to stop, they may be filled up, 

but at least I can ask them if they have any idea where 

we can find a room."

I pulled the car up to the front office and went in to 

the lobby. This very nice elderly lady said that if we 

didn't mind they had one rather "unusual unit" left. It 

might not be a room that we wanted, because it was 

their Honeymoon Suite. I told her "I don't care what it 

was. A room is a room is a room. We'll take it!"

Carrying the luggage, I followed Janice into the 

"Honeymoon Suite" and I could hear her giggle. "I can't 

believe it! Look there is a mirror on the ceiling and 

then I hear her in the bathroom "…and the bathtub 

is shaped like a heart." As I sat down the luggage, I 

heard her somberly say, "Unfortunately, there is only 

one bed. I hope that you don't mind." I thought to 

myself, "Mind.  Hell, I couldn't think of anything 

better then the opportunity to slip between the sheets 

with my sexual fantasy." 

She pulled back the bed cover and said, "Can you 

believe it. The sheets are that slippery satin 

material." Janice put a lingering hand on my arm and 

facetiously said, "I promise, I'll try and stay on my 

side. Although, these sexy sheets," she laughed. "They 

will make it hard to keep from sliding into your arms" 

Evidently this thought really hit her funny bone . . . 

"What would you do with an old half naked broad like me 

in your arms." As she turned away to start unpacking I 

thought, "I would fuck your brains out, that's what I 

would do!"

Soon after we had unpacked the rainstorm moved in. We 

dashed through the rain to the Motel dining room and 

had a very enjoyable prime rib dinner. It turned out 

that with our "honeymoon suite package" there was 

included a very nice honeymoon dinner. The dinners 

included a bottle of red wine that along with a couple 

of cocktails resulted in a rather "wobbly" dash back 

through the rain to the haven of our room. 

As we entered the room, the cumulative effects of the 

alcohol caused Janice to lose her balance and she 

stumbled into my arms. I could feel the raise and fall 

of her large breasts against my chest. I had on only a 

lightweight short sleeve shirt. The softness of her 

breasts was wonderful. It was impossible not to notice 

the sexual overtones of the moment. She blushed and put 

her hands against my chest, "Thanks baby."

Then she noticed my sculpted chest muscles and ran her 

hand thoughtfully across my chest. "To bad you're so 

young and too bad I'm your mother." She laughed and 

said, "I think that we've both had too much to drink. 

Let's go to bed so that we can get an early start 

tomorrow." The moment of truth had arrived. Thankfully, 

Janice handled the "going to get ready for bed" event 

in a logical manner. "You use the bathroom. Then while 

I'm using the bathroom, you can get in bed. Then I'll 

come out of the bathroom and I'll get in bed." 

She started to sing a sultry version of "strangers in 

the night." Obviously the alcohol was working in my 


I smiled and said, "I'll go first." I went into the 

bathroom and took a piss. I optimistically washed off 

my cock." 

What I didn't know that in the other room (I learned 

this later) Janice was thinking, "I wonder if he washes 

his cock after he's done? I wonder if it's big?" 

At that moment I came out and couldn't understand why 

she was giggling. However not wishing to destroy the 

delightful silliness of the evening I jauntily said, 

"Next!" Janice slipped into the bathroom with her 

little bag of toiletries and I waited.

The bathroom door opened and Janice came out clad only 

in a slip. My cock stiffened as I saw her large tits 

silhouetted through the gossamer fabric of her slip. I 

could see the dark aureoles that surrounded her rock 

hard nipples. I don't know what caused her nipples to 

erect, but I was enjoying the sight.  Janice stopped by 

the bureau to take out her contacts. Taking them out 

she paused to rub her eyes and then she moved over to 

her side of the bed. 

As she pulled back the light cover, she grinned and 

said "Lights out and move over, Eric. Your Mother needs 

some room." 

I gave her my best smile and said "No problem!" 

As she slid into bed she moved her body comfortably 

against me and said, "Can a girl get a little goodnight 


I responded by gently kissing her on her cheek just 

then there was a tremendous sound of thunder and an 

accompanying lighting bolt lit up the room. Janice 

instinctively plastered her body against mine. There 

suddenly erupted a rolling series of deafening 

thunderclaps. Janice sobbed "hold me I'm scared 

shitless! " I could feel her fingernails dig into my 

back and she had thrown one leg around my hips, which 

pressed her pussy against my stiffening cock. 

Her breasts were crushed against my chest and my arms 

were clenched around her back. As she desperately 

clutched at my body, I could feel no bra strap, which 

meant that it was her thinly covered breasts that I 

felt against my chest. I could feel the rigid nubbins 

of her nipples against my chest. She didn't seem too 

notice, or at least she pretended not to notice, but I 

softly moved my hands in a circular motion, which 

covered her back and down to the crack in her beautiful 

ass.  She buried her head into my shoulder. My lips 

were against her neck. 

As the thunder abated, I took one hand and tilted up 

her chin. Her eyes were 

closed when I pressed my trembling lips against her 

lips. At first her mouth was 

still. Then I felt her resistance weaken and her sexy 

mouth moved in increasing 

fervor against mine. Our lips parted and I felt her 

tongue drive deep into my 

mouth. She suddenly realized what she was doing . . . 

she stopped and tried to 

push me away. "Oh my God! Eric, you're my son. There's 

thirty years difference 

between us . . . I could be your grandmother!"

I was scared at the thought of  what I was about to do, 

but there was no turning back in my mind. My hard cock  

was wedged against her pussy lips and I moved my hips 

forward to rub against her sex. I heard her gasp and 

then I felt that first tentative response of her pussy 

moving against my throbbing cock. I didn't want her to 

think that my cock pressing against her cunt was an 

accident. I rubbed my hardon insistently against her 

pussy. I knew that I was pushing her silk panty fabric 

back into her wet cunt. At that moment, I decided that 

there would be no turning back. I whispered into 

Janice's ear, "I've come to a decision." I heard her 

defiant and muffled voice say, "I don't know if I want 

to hear that decision."

I held her tightly and said, "I am going to fuck you 

and you have a decision to make." The shock of my words 

forced her to once again react by trying to rip herself 

out of my arms, but her resulting struggle did her no 

good. I couldn't believe the words that I heard 

tumbling out of my mouth, "You can choose one of two 

ways.  Either way is going to result in our fucking."

I had crossed the river of illicit passion. I had to 

enjoy my mother's body and one way or another that was 

going to happen.

"I am going to fuck you Mom." (True, she was my 

stepmother, but to me she was mom and the thought of 

incest only heightened the awareness of what I was 

intent on doing.) "Option one is to resist me and then 

I am simply going to rape you.  Option two is that you 

just lay back and let me enjoy fucking you." I could 

feel a very gradual relaxation of her stiffened body. I 

didn't move as I waited for her verbal explosion. Once 

again life surprised me. Against my neck, I heard 

Janice's muffled voice say, "You forgot to mention 

option three." I gentled released some of the pressure 

of my arms on her body "Option three. 

What's Option three?

Janice raised her head from my shoulder and gazed 

directly into my eyes and in a very soft sexy voice 

said, "You may find this hard to believe, but I have 

had some incredibly sexy thoughts about the possibly of 

our fucking. Not making love, that can come later . . . 

right now I need you to satisfy my hot pussy with your 

hard cock." Her hand slid down between my legs and 

grasped my hard on and stroked it to an incredible 

hardness. "How would you like to bury this beauty in 

your mommy's gray haired cunt?"

I stared at her in complete disbelief at what I had 

just heard. 

An impish grin spread across her face as she said, 

"Hay, when you're in your sixties you are just never 

sure when 'this time, might be the last time.' Now ... 

give me a good hard fuck!"

Her face moved to meet mine and once again our lips 

meshed in a soft, moist and passionate kiss. Different 

from our first kiss, this one was from the heart.  It 

was born out of our mutual needs for a physical 

joining. It was a moment that seemed to stretch to an 

eternity of moments. 

Our lips broke apart and I heard Janice say, "I've 

watched you sneak peaks at my tits for years. Now I 

want to show them to you . . . they're yours to enjoy. 

Put your hands on my breasts. I want you to squeeze my 

tits! Squeeze them hard!" 

Needing no more encouragement, I let my hands roam 

across her silk covered breasts. Their incredible 

firmness served only to increase my lust. Our bodies 

moved as though they intended to eternally fuse our 

bodies together. 

I heard Janice moan in a passion from the depths of her 

soul, "I need a cock . . . any cock . . . so bad. I 

haven't had any sex in years. I hope that my pussy 

hasn't rusted shut!" 

That comment caused us both to laugh and I told her 

"Don't worry, if it's rusted shut I've got the tool to 

bust through any and all resistance." It was apparent 

that that type of talk just turned her on all the more. 

Her arms were around my neck as her mouth moved to my 


I heard her throaty whisper of "I love 'fuck talk'. I 

want you to talk dirty to your mommy. Will you do that 

for me son?" 

I had a hard time speaking as I answered, "Yes . . . I 

love to tell you all the things that I want to do to 

you. I have thought about this opportunity so many 

times. I plan to plunge my cock into your mouth, your 

cunt and finally, I'm going to fuck you in the ass." 

Mom grinned at me and mockingly said, "My you do have 

an aggressive and bold agenda. Is there anything else 

that your whore mother can do for you?" I replied, "as 

a matter of fact I am also really looking forward to 

having oral sex with you." I moved my hands from the 

small of her back to cup her generous ass cheeks. I 

squeezed them and laughingly reflected that, "all my 

life I have watched men looking at those huge tits that 

you have. Now . . . they are mine to enjoy. I want you 

to strip . . . let's see those tits. Also, since I'm 

making out my verbal wish list, I have always 

fantasized about watching you suck your own nipples."

My sex talk seemed to put Janice into a trance like 

state and I knew that this would be the first of many 

steamy fuck sessions.  She suddenly dropped to her back 

and pulled her knees up to her chest. With a wanton 

wiggle, she pulled off her panties and threw them 

against the wall. She giggled, "I would have bet that 

they would've stuck there." 

In one smooth movement, Janice moved to a kneeling 

position. A smile crossed her lips as she pulled up her 

slip and her lush, heavy breasts, released from the 

confines of her slip, slapped against her chest. She 

dropped her slip to the bedroom floor.  With her hands, 

she cupped each of her voluptuous tits and leaned 

forward... her voice was husky in the passion of the 

moment. "Would my son like to suck his Mommy's tit's?"

 Her hands squeezed the full ripe mounds and went on 

... "Mommy's nipples are very sensitive and they need 


My dreams came true as my lips encircled her nipples 

and I sucked the tits that I had so often dreamed 

about. As I removed my mouth from one breast to move to 

another, she pushed me back. "Ops, almost forgot. I 

have one more neat little surprise. I made you promise 

to talk dirty to me. It's only fair that I return that 

favor in spades. Tonight I want to be your whore and I 

want you to be my young and virile stud. I want to 

think of you as my real son and I want you to fuck your 

mother without a rubber. I want to feel your virile cum 

spurting into my ripe womb. The symbolism of your bald 

headed cock ramming into mommy's pussy will cause", she 

chuckled. "will cause some orgasms on my part. Part of 

that intense feeling that I want us to share is the 

fantasy that you are going to commit the ultimate 

incest act. You're going to make your Mother pregnant 

with your potent seed.  When I feel you pumping jets of 

hot cum, I want to feel the eroticism of our incestuous 

lovemaking. I want to cuddle with you after we have sex 

and fantasize about a little girl that you put in my 

tummy. A little girl that some day I'll present to you 

and share in the moments when you fuck her." Mom's 

voice had taken on a new level of released lust.

"I look forward to watching you spreading the white 

thighs of her child-body ... her body will be twisting 

with a need that you will need to satisfy. She'll be 

begging you to fuck her and that will be our joint 

destiny. I'll be fingering my cunt as you ram your cock 

through the hymen of her cherry. After you fuck her, 

I'll lick the blood tinged sex juice from your used 

cock and get you hard all over again." 

Her tight little pussy will remind you of the mother 

that gave you that choice piece of young ass." Janice 

eyes flickered as though she was coming out of a 

trance, "Question is . . . Can you handle all this 

erotic "mental stuff" or should I just spread my legs 

and let you fuck me? What do you want?"

There are some times that actions speak louder then 

words. I slid out of bed, stood up and removed my tee 

shirt. My cock was obscenely silhouetted through my 

jockey shorts. Mom moaned as her mind registered that 

her son had a large ... very large ... cock -- a cock 

that would soon be buried in her dripping, hot pussy.

I hooked my fingers in the top of the shorts and bent 

over as I removed them. My hard on sprang up with the 

release of pressure. Her physical hunger for my cock 

was evident as she ran her tongue over her lips. She 

stared at my uncircumcised cock. I wrapped my hand 

around its girth and gave it a couple of hard strokes. 

Janice, said in a quavering voice ... "No let me. I 

want to feel that love muscle. I can't believe its 

size! It's even bigger then the black guy I screwed and 

he was hung like a fucking horse!"

She put her hand to her mouth and shyly said, "Of 

course that was before I met your father. I mean how 

often does a girl get to have sex with a six foot six 

350 pound professional football player?" 

I thought to myself, "That's a whole another story that 

I'm going to look forward to hearing. I could picture 

her giving me the details of her black stud as I slowly 

fucked her, but that story could wait . . . there were 

things 'here and now' that needed my attention." I 

moved to the edge of the bed and on her knees she 

inched her way to meet me. I put my hand behind her 

head and pulled her towards my groin. 

"Open your mouth, Mom. I need to have you suck my cock. 

I want to see your mouth wrapped around it. If you're 

good, after I get done fucking you ... I'll come in 

your mouth and let you swallow my cum."

She looked up at me with a devilish look and answered, 

"I'll let you come in my mouth, but I'm not going to 

swallow. Not this time at least. I've got a treat 

planned for you. After you come, you're going to French 

kiss me and I'm going to put your cum back into your 

mouth. You're going to swallow your own cum and if you 

don't . . . if you don't, there will be no more pussy 

for my darling little son who likes to fuck his mommy." 

Her obscene mouth was such a "turn on" that it only 

increased the need for my cock to be sucked. It was 

time for some action.

I moved to stand next to the bed. Janice inched forward 

on her knees. Almost without thinking I heard her say, 

"That is the biggest juiciest cock I've seen in years. 

If I had known you had this piece of swinging meat we 

would have been fucking long before tonight."

Her lipstick covered lips opened and her mouth moved to 

kiss the head of my cock. Pre-cum was oozing from the 

end of my throbbing cock. Janice greedily licked it off 

and then let my pulsating organ slide into her warm, 

wet mouth. I groaned at the feeling of her mouth 

muscles as she sucked on my cock. I felt this 

incredible emotion of being swallowed, I leaned down to 

squeeze her full breasts. Both of us were moaning in 

ecstasy. Her tits were so soft and I tweaked her 

nipples, which only resulted in another burst of 

passion from my Mother.

Incest ... incest, the most taboo of all sex acts only 

fueled my cock as it pistoned in and out of Janice's 

mouth. She paused and pulled her head back "Just a 

moment" and she reached down to the floor and came up 

with her panties. "I wore these all day and the crotch 

is soaked with my sex excretions and womanly sweat." 

She held them out to me, "Bury your nose in them while 

I'm sucking you." 

As her eager mouth resumed her moist sucking of my 

cock, the fragrance of her soiled panties filled my 

nostrils.  The incredible fragrance of her panties and 

the suction of her mouth only served to build the tidal 

wave of cum building in my balls.

"I'm sorry Mom, but I can't wait. I have to blow my wad 

in your mouth." 

I heard her grunt . . . "go for it. Pump that salty cum 

into your Mommy's mouth." It happened faster then I 


Suddenly, I felt myself ejaculate a steam of cum. My 

cock spasamed again and again. Mom's mouth could not 

hold all of the creamy white liquid. A stream ran out 

of the corner of her mouth. Her mouth was so full, that 

through clenched lips she murmured "hmm-m-m-m-m" and 

pulled me to her. She planted her lips to mine and 

encouraged a French kiss. I could feel my mouth fill 

with my own cum! If I wanted to breathe, I had to 


As the cum flowed down my throat, I was finally able to 

take a breath of fresh air.  Mom giggled and said, "Now 

dip a finger into my pussy and I'll lick it clean.  

After, all we have to share in our little 


I moved my left hand to her fur covered love channel 

and dipped one and then two fingers into the wet 

recesses. I removed my sticky fingers and held them to 

my mother's panting lips.  She greedily licked them 

clean. She licked her juice so fast that I knew I had 

to repeat the effort. Three or four times I filled her 

mouth with her love liquid. Finally she was relatively 

satisfied and commented, "Every time I taste pussy 

juice, I think that someday I'll have to try making 

love to another woman." 

I whispered in her ear. "Maybe you can break in that 

little girl that I'm going to impregnate you with 

tonight. A nice little hairless cunt for you to lick." 

She planted a passionate kiss on my lips and said, 

"That's another wonderful idea that you've had!"

Mom slid out of bed, took me by the hand and said, 

"let's sit on the couch.  We can tell each other some 

marvelous sex stories. That will put some "stiffener" 

back in your cock . . . then we can fuck!" As we sat 

down, I said, "I have to tell you I have never enjoyed 

sex as much as I just did and . . and .  . . I still 

have to look forward to fucking your pussy!" 

She laughed and said "Right on, you've got to plant 

those baby seeds in me." I joined her laughingly, 

"You're being facetious, but I have a pretty 

interesting erotic idea." Janice put her hand over her 

mouth and then said, "I can't help it. What do you want 

me to do. Put on a strap on dildo and fuck you in the 

ass!" Mockingly, I replied, "Not tonight, but here's my 


My next statement stunned Janice. "We get married. 

Forget the age difference.  We have plenty of money 

between us to do whatever we want. We do enjoy sex. 

It's a fact. It's also a fact that life is all together 

too short. We need to maximize our 'fun-sex-

potential.'" Being married, we can join wife-swapping 

clubs. We can go to nudist colonies. We can do things 

like travel to the Far East and hire a young girl and 

pretend that it's our love child. I'm serious. I want 

to have sex with someone who has never had sex before. 

I want you to hold my cock while I push my way through 

a virgin's tight little slit. Afterwards we can jointly 

lick up the juices oozing out her cunt. This 

relationship would be a two way street. I would enjoy 

watching you get "your rocks off." I can imagine our 

finding you a fourteen-year-old black stud. A stud 

who's still a virgin and he's fantasized all his life 

about dipping his cock in a white woman." 

Janice finally found the muscles to close her gaping 

mouth. Obviously happy with what I had just said, "The 

young black stud sounds wonderful, but I can just 

imagine him blowing his first wad all over my stomach!" 

With a grin I said, "Janice, we can do anything that we 

put our mind to, but we have to get moving." Janice 

moved restlessly . . . "it sounds fantastic. Let's 

discuss it further on this trip." She leaned toward me 

and grasped my hardening cock, "I'll do anything you 

want. I'm your love slave and you know it. Right now I 

want you to show me that you know how to use this hard 


My voice was thick with emotion as I said, "To the bed. 

I need to do the ultimate sex thing and that is to fuck 

my mother."

Mom led me to the bed. She sat on the bed's edge, 

opened her mouth and gave my cock a couple of deep 

gulps of her sucking mouth. She flopped back, spreading 

her legs and raising her knees. My hard cock swayed 

back and forth as I moved between up between her 


"Mom . . . this is one special moment. I want you to 

wrap your hand around my cock and then place the head 

against your pussy entrance."

 Her hand fumblingly groped for my cock. I stared at 

her heaving breasts, the beautifully hard nipples and 

the sound of her heavy breathing. Her gorgeous blond 

hair framed her lust filled facial features. 

As she placed the glans of my penis against her pussy, 

I said, "This is it Mom. I'm going to fuck you. I'm 

going to fuck you and I'm going to cum in you. You're 

going to have my baby. Are you ready?"

Her voice came from her soul. "Eric, I want you to fuck 

me now!" Her hips snapped up and suddenly I found 

myself buried deep inside the best feeling pussy of my 

entire life. My driving cock slammed into her. I met 

her churning hips with my hammering cock. Her voice was 

lusty in "Ungh. . . ungh. Jesus, give me your cock. 

I've never felt something so big." Suddenly, from her 

soul "God yes! I'll marry you, but we'll have to learn 

to share each other with other people!"

I looked down at her lust-contorted face, my emotion 

filled voice growled, "I want you to find that black 

football player.  I want to watch you fuck him. Will 

you do that for me?" 

The cords of her neck were etched in passion, "Yes ... 

yes. Maybe you can fuck his wife." I tauntingly said, 

"I'd rather fuck his mother ... in front of his wife."

All of this only served to heighten our mutual 

enjoyment. I looked down at my mother and reveled in 

hearing her "Give it to me son! Fuck your mother! 

You're fucking me better then your Dad ever did! FUCK! 

FUCK! FUCK!" The sex talk caused me to move faster and 

then it happened.

"Mom ...  you're going to have my baby." I could feel 

the thick cords of my cum drenching the walls of her 


Her fingernails raked my back and she wailed, "Slam 

your cock as deep as you can. I want the seeds next to 

my egg!" In the morning, we were making a final check 

before leaving the hotel room.  "Forget anything?" She 

nodded her head "no." 

I looked at her and said, "One thing that we've 


Mom looked at me in confusion. I unzipped my pants and 

pulled out my hardening cock. "I want one blow job for 

the road." 

Mom just grinned and dropped to her knees. As she 

grasped my hard cock, she tauntingly looked up, "This 

time I'll swallow. I need the nourishment of your cum 



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